Oven-Dried Orange Slices

Hello Bloggers! It's officially one week until Christmas! One week! Can you believe it? I'm still having summer blues. I am actually really excited about today's post as this will be my first ever YouTube video I have uploaded. I've been wanting to do YouTube for such a long time now, but let's face it, … Continue reading Oven-Dried Orange Slices

7 Days of Halloween | #2 Decor

🎃 Days until Halloween: 6 #1 Costume Ideas  I've really been looking forward to decorating the house for Halloween. As a kid, my sister and I used to go all out and sprinkle themed confetti everywhere, sellotape Mr Bones (a cardboard skeleton) to the kitchen door, and hide toy spiders in every corner. Although we … Continue reading 7 Days of Halloween | #2 Decor